
Prevent respiratory diseases in children

Children can often develop respiratory diseases that prevent them from carrying out their daily activities normally. In this article, we offer you some recommendations on how to prevent respiratory diseases in children to guarantee their health and well-being.

Respiratory diseases in children

Especially in the winter season, respiratory diseases are on the prowl and children are the most vulnerable to contracting either a simple cold or cough, or even more serious diseases such as pneumonia or bronchitis. It is essential to maintain certain care to ensure their well-being.

How to prevent respiratory diseases in children?

Although in most cases it is inevitable to catch a disease from time to time, there are some measures we can take to reduce the chances of children getting sick and, above all, to prevent these diseases from getting worse.

Keep your vaccinations up to date

All children should keep their vaccination schedule up to date so it is possible to strengthen their defenses and the immune system to reduce the chances of acquiring any respiratory disease, whether it is the flu or something more serious.

Provide them with adequate food

Children, like the rest of the people, obtain their necessary nutrients through the consumption of healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables.

This is especially important during the winter season when it is advisable to include a greater amount of citrus fruits rich in vitamin A and C such as orange or tangerine to avoid colds.

Wash hands frequently

We must teach our children to always keep their hands clean, since they are usually in contact with their own face, mouth, nose and eyes, making them vulnerable to acquiring diseases.

Remember that children often play with dirt and share toys with other children, therefore it is necessary to get them used to washing their hands frequently and especially after playing before eating when they return home or from time to time.

It is not enough to perform a quick handwashing, you must be taught the correct way to do it so that that minute of hygiene can protect you from diseases, germs and bacteria.

Using an antiseptic gel can also be useful in those cases where there is no possibility of washing your hands in the conventional way.

Avoid sharing toys and utensils.

Although it is almost impossible to prevent children from sharing their toys and putting them in their mouths, it is necessary to explain to them that there is a risk associated with contracting diseases, germs, infections and bacteria when carrying out this type of action.

In this sense, it is essential to teach children not to share utensils such as glasses, plates or cutlery with others. And ensure that it is carefully washed after using them.

Wear appropriate clothing and accessories

Although it is true that children love to play in the rain and feel free in the environment when it is cold, it is essential that the adults in charge make sure that they wear the appropriate clothing, including a coat, scarf, cape, hat or everything, whatever is necessary and always carry an umbrella with you in case of unexpected rain.

It is convenient to include among the school supplies, an additional sweater, a raincoat or a small umbrella so that the child is prepared for any circumstance that may occur with the weather.

How to know if your child is sick?

Prevention is the key to prevent children from getting sick, however, we must be able to recognize when children have already gotten sick in order to treat them promptly and prevent them from aggravating

These are some of the signs that you can take into account to act in case you detect any of them.

  • Fever above 38.3 degrees Celsius.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Drowsiness.

It is well known that children are prone to respiratory diseases, especially if adequate measures are not taken to protect them. Therefore, it is recommended to provide them with vitamin supplements that help them increase their defenses and keep them healthy for most of the time.

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